The CHI 2015 student competition brief was the key motivation for this project. We partnered with the Mill Road history society to bring the history of the area alive to the general public who are not always technology savvy.
We came up with a multitude of ideas, trying prototyping and testing against our persona, which we created based on stakeholder interviews. A variety of techniques were used in evaluating ideas and to develop the idea further. After the development process, the team decided to focus on creating an interactive billboard with the fun aspect of clicking a photo of the user in the past. Our design had a specific focus on using a simplified interaction model to cater to older individuals who might be technophobes.
Evaluation of abstract ideas and concepts were difficult and we had to rapidly prototype examples of our solutions. Once a rapid prototype was available it was easier to evaluate it against a rubric defined by our persona.
Value Addition
The outcome of the ideation and design project has been captured in a video showcasing our concept for the project, Along with a design document showcasing our iterative methodology exploring various ideas and techniques.